How it all began
The most beautiful time of the year in Bern had begun once again: “Dr Güsche calls” and thousands of Bernese people flock to the local mountain for the annual Gurten Festival. This time, it wasn't just canned beer that was to be brought along. At home, the founder David and his flatmates made the first bottle of ginger liqueur and hiked up the local mountain with it. The enthusiasm for the homemade magic potion was huge and that's how the idea for JINJERGOLD was born 🚀
The founder's sleeve was completely tangled and new products followed with the first mate liqueur in Switzerland and later with the berry-strong gin THARO.
Stop stop! There was something? Ah yes, Corona.
It wasn't exactly a death knell, but a new idea was needed to survive the crisis with only a few scratches. During the lockdown, one or two bottles of JINJERGOLD were emptied and old glass was created. Glass too beautiful to call it old glass - that was the birth of Pumphead® – upcycle your bottle 🍾 A universal idea to transform beautiful glass bottles into dispensers.
It's great that you are part of our journey 🤍
“Ich konnte es einfach nicht mehr ertragen, all die schönen Glasflaschen ins Altglas zu werfen. Jetzt sind bei mir in Küche & Bad Pumpheads im Einsatz, eigentlich schade habe ich nur ein Badezimmer.”
David Brönnimann
Gründer & Macher